Local Pension Board
The role of the board is to assist the Scottish Borders Council Pension Fund comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
The role of the board is to assist the Scottish Borders Council Pension Fund comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
As a result of changes to the governance arrangements in relation to pension schemes within the public sector, Scottish Borders Council as an administering authority for the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is required to have in place a local Pension Board.
The role of the Pension Board is to assist the Scottish Borders Council Pension Fund in complying with all of the legislative requirements and making sure that the scheme is being efficiently & effectively governed and managed.
The board members work in conjunction with Scottish Borders Council in its role as the administering authority and with officers of the Pension Fund to ensure that your pension scheme is being run properly and that you, as a scheme member, get the best service.
To comply with requirements imposed by the Regulations of the LGPS which are enforced by the Pensions Regulator, board members are required to maintain their knowledge and understanding of the LGPS and pensions, in general.
The local Pension Board must have an equal number of scheme member and scheme employer representatives.
Councillor Julie Pirone ( Vice Chair)
Ms Kirsty Robb – Borders College
Mr Anthony Daye – South of Scotland Enterprise
Vacancy-Live Borders
Mr David Bell – UNITE (Chair)
Mr Malcolm Drysdale – GMB Scotland
Mr Alistair Stavert – Unison
Mrs Kaye-Marie Hughes – Unison